General Rules
Schools in Prayagraj

We are maintaining a very high standard of discipline in school are required to help of all students. In this regard, which will ultimately benefit to you when you come to school/Please ensures following.

  • Come to school in time punctually, daily in proper prescribed uniform, nails shoul be cleaned and cul and boots are polished daily.
  • When you come to school first of all say "Good Morning" to all your teachers, Seniors, and your classmates and younger students.
  • It's your responsibilities that your last day home work is completed and adequate books, copies, school diary and stationary are taken or not.
  • It is compulsory for all students to attend the morning assembly everyday.
  • In the school students into the class rooms it is to maintain complete silence, well behaved to their classmates, youngers and teachers during school and after school and while walking up and dwon the stairs or verandah. Note:Loitering is not allowed to any student during school hours.
  • If a student creats indisciplined, polluted atmosphere in the classroom or school then he/she will be dismissed from school.
  • If our staff, teachers find the doubtful character of any student the he/she will also be dismissed from school.

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Little Blossom Convent  School